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"Christ - our advocate for others "First, his Spirit "lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1: 9). It gives people a sense of right and wrong, and it blesses them with guilt when they violate that knowledge. Thus when people offend us, and we bless them in return, their guilty consciences represent Christ's advocacy of our cause. If we return evil for evil, we become our own advocates. In other words, when we rely on the arm of flesh, we're left to fight the battle ourselves, and inevitably we will retreat into a defensive posture and seek validation from others who agree with our position. But if we refuse to become angry and defensive, if we just smile deep within ourselves and bless those who trespass against us, the Savior is our advocate because his Spirit working in the heart of the aggressor provides a way for peace to result from the conflicts between people.""

- Six Events by Stephen R. Covey