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"No, religion and spirituality aren't irrational, actually, they have their own rationality and way of seeing the world, they might be considered "irrational" by a materialist prespective, but if you have a boardly epistemological concept of rationality, it isn't irrational, and also, a religious/spiritual person can say that "believe that there's no gods and no spiritual beings is irrational", "believe there's only matter and nothing beyond it is irrational", "believe that science is the only way to study about the world is irrational", "believe your views/opinions are objective is irrational", "believe in only what can be physically/scientifically proven is irrational" and so on, so basically the concept of "irrationality" and "irrational" are vague as the concept of "delusion" and "psychosis", and yes, religion and spirituality also have their own evidences, epistemologicall speaking, so no, religion and spirituality aren't irrational."