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"25 ways to communicate without speaking 6- 10 Jennifer Flanders 6) Pray for Him Ruth Graham advises wives to “tell your mate the positive, and tell God the negative.” Take your concerns to God. Faithfully lift up your husband in prayer every day, and you will likely notice a transformation not only in him, but in yourself, as well. (Philipians 4:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17) 7) Don’t Nag Your husband is a grown man, so don’t treat him like a two-year-old. Leave room for God to work. You are not the Holy Spirit, so do not try to do His job. 8) Be Thankful Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Don’t take your husband for granted. Be appreciative for everything he does for you, whether big or small. Always say thank you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Ephesians 5:20) 9) Smile at Him Smiles spread happiness. Smiles have even been shown to create happiness. Smiles are contagious. And a smile makes any woman more beautiful. Tuchy Palmieri Paying it forward With men it's all about action. they respond well to what is unspoken but communicated - Tuchy Palmieri"

- Jennifer Flanders and Tuchy Palmieri