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"I Am Defiance You heard my voice Long into the night You felt my presence As your dreams took flight You tossed and turned As I embattled your night And as I made you squirm Throughout this disquieted night Your mind grew weary As I demanded with spite That in all your dreams I belonged this night I haunted your dreams As you cursed the night From dusk to dawn Not a moment's respite Your thoughts soon turned To the morning's first light Knowing again this morning Your patience I'll fight You sensed my wrath You knew your doom Another day's energy Will be mine too soon Your hopes, desires And lessons planned All soon will fade At my every demand The floor is all swept The desks are all kept The classroom is lit They know where to sit The bell has now rung For all you to greet All one Are found in their seat I AM DEFIANCE "

- Robert John Meehan