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"Of course, I can talk to you. I just don’t see a reason. It would be unnecessary. All these months, you could have talked to me as well. You could have called, you could have emailed, you could have said you wanted to see me over the holidays, or you could have just shown up. You could have tried to communicate like an adult, and use your words in a constructive, understanding way. Instead you machine-gun fired out lies, accusations, slander, and were generally abusive with your language. Not until now, months after, and months late, are you acknowledging I even exist. Now you’re finally reading what I wrote, months ago. Now you’re seeing how broken I am, how depressed, how desperate I was back then, when you pretended like I didn’t exist. Now I've written an entire book, and you once again made it perfectly clear you don't have any interest in knowing who I am. Your comment, "I won't be reading your book," was the most predictable answer you could have given. Thank you for making it easy to say, "I won't be talking to you.""

- Payne Hawthorne