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When you were a kid did you ever make a time capsule indicating your dreams and expectations for the future? If you did, have you ever gone back and reviewed it? What were your dreams? Did you achieve your goals or are some still waiting to be fulfilled? A few months ago my best friend from high school passed away causing me to reflect upon my own life and highlighting the pace in which life goes by. Like many of you, I have dreams, big dreams, but I have allowed myself to overshadow those dreams with fear, doubt, frivolous things, or allowing myself to think I have more time than I do to achieve them. I have realized though, if I keep thinking I have endless tomorrows I’ll never start living the life I always dreamed of living today. I love a quote by Benjamin Franklin, “ Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Stop procrastinating. Revisit your dreams. Even if you start off small, just start. It’s better having tried than not having tried at all.

"Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

- Benjamin Franklin